How to Install and uninstall Business Central Delegation App
The blog post provides you with the detailed information on how to set up Business Central Delegation app for your organization
Welcome to Peritos Solutions!
Please thoroughly read the following Terms of Use, as it may influence your legal rights. In this case, you should also refrain from using these solutions and services. Still, if you have any queries, feel free to contact us.
Terms of Use
Peritos Solutions protect the sole information acquired in connection with the activities in the scope of this document and shall abide by the intellectual property rights requirements of any other agency, as may be involved or associated from time to time in the Assignment.
The principle underpinning this policy statement is that no employee shall misuse any information of the client or allow others to do so.
The Policy statement has been written to support the client as well as take into consideration the compliance to meet the legal requirements and best practice guidance.
We shall protect the client’s confidential and proprietary information from unauthorized disclosure.
This policy is therefore intended to guide company directors, officers, and employees in their handling of company information and balancing the demands of confidentiality with the requirements of disclosure.
Acceptance of Terms of Use
You are opting for any of our products, provided by Peritos Solutions, according to a separate manually or digitally executed agreement. These additional terms become part of your agreement with us. If you do not agree with any part of these Terms of Use, please do not select ‘I agree/ ‘I accept’ ‘ before you log in or register for any of our services.
Your Individuality & Confidentiality
If your account is allocated to you by an officeholder, such as your employer, business partner, service provider, or public institutes. Your information will be kept securely. Additional terms may apply to your use of our services. Your administrator may be able to access or disable your account without our involvement.
You may not share your account with anyone else. Please keep your password confidential and try not to use it on other websites. If you believe that your account has been compromised at any time, please notify your system administrator or the nearest superior.
Ownership Rights
The visual interfaces, graphics, design, compilation, information, data, computer code, products, software, services, and all other elements of the Websites and Online Services provided by Peritos are protected by all relevant intellectual property and proprietary rights and applicable laws.
Closure or suspension of account
We may suspend access to or close your account, with or without notice and without limitation for:
In most cases, if we choose to terminate your account with us, we will provide at least 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks) advance notice to you at the email address you have provided to us, so you have a chance to reactivate your account or to retrieve any content stored on our servers (unless we determine that we are legally prohibited from enabling you to do so). After the expiration of this notice period, you will no longer be able to retrieve content contained in that account or otherwise use any Service through that account.
Ownership of your Datalog
Any document or data you upload using our Services belongs to you. You are responsible for any action you perform involving these documents and data – including, but not limited to uploading, sharing, downloading, and deleting. Unless otherwise specified in an agreement, we do not provide document and data storage services, and we will not be responsible for the loss of your documents and data on our server due to any form of technical failure.
Our Labels
Our solutions, technology, and Services are protected by our registered trademarks. Other products, services, or company names mentioned on our website and/or other communications may be covered by the trademarks of their owners.
The blog post provides you with the detailed information on how to set up Business Central Delegation app for your organization
Here we would want to provide our readers with the detailed details of terms of use specifically for the Business Central Delegation app.
Here you could read in detail about our privacy policy and how we adhere to these policies solely for all our products.
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