How to Install and uninstall Business Central Delegation App
The blog post provides you with the detailed information on how to set up Business Central Delegation app for your organization
Your privacy is crucial. This privacy notice defines the personal data Peritos Solution processes, how Peritos handles it, and for what purposes. Peritos offers a wide range of products and services, including Cloud Consulting, Enterprise Consulting, Product Consulting, and featured services. References to Peritos’ products in this statement include our services, websites, apps, software, and servers. Please read the details specific to the product in this privacy statement that provide additional relevant information.
To Conclude
The objective of this page is to give our clients greater transparency about what we do to keep their data safe. As a testament to our priority on security, please keep following this page as we update any recent changes from time to time.
Peritos may revise its Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect regulatory changes and changes to our business. These changes will be posted here with email notifications to our users. If you disagree with our changes, you’ll retain the right to opt out or request the deactivation of your account by sending an email to
The blog post provides you with the detailed information on how to set up Business Central Delegation app for your organization
Here we would want to provide our readers with the detailed details of terms of use specifically for the Business Central Delegation app.
Here you could read in detail about our privacy policy and how we adhere to these policies solely for all our products.
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