How to Install and uninstall Business Central Delegation App
The blog post provides you with the detailed information on how to set up Business Central Delegation app for your organization
In case you are planning to be out of the office or otherwise inaccessible to act on work items for some time, you can automatically delegate new work items to other users using the Business Central Delegation app offered by Peritos Solutions.
After the installation is done, it will appear on the home page. Here you can select and manage the configuration.
Click to open the configuration option
After enabling the first option delegation allowed in the previous step starts functioning; if a user is planning to go out of the office, it should be added in the Approval user setup with start and end date as indicated below.
Business Central Delegation App enables users and organizations to analyze, act on, and automate the data to digitally transform their businesses. Delegation is a vital skill for great leaders and provides important advantages for you as a leader, for your team members, for the team and therefore also for business. So, the next time you´re feeling overwhelmed with your to-do list, try to ask yourself with each item whether it´s the best use of your time that you do these assignments or if someone else in the team could also do an excellent job.
The blog post provides you with the detailed information on how to set up Business Central Delegation app for your organization
Here we would want to provide our readers with the detailed details of terms of use specifically for the Business Central Delegation app.
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