Dynamics CRM Goal Dashboard
Here you could get the knowledge of the major benefits provided by our app Delegation for Business Central.
You set up approval workflows on the workflow page. You must also set up approval users, including any relevant payment limits, on the approval user setup page. This process can work for both sales and purchasing. In the Peritos Delegation app we take into consideration a configuration option for the user to select if exception logging is to be enabled.
If the configuration option Delegation log entry was enabled then the delegation option whenever used would check the approval user setup page and would check 2 entries
1. Any new delegation requests done should be delegated to same or higher level approver
2. Any approvals done should be within the approval limit of the user defined in the approval user setup page.
If any of the above condition is not met then an entry is recorded in the Workflow delegation log table and marked as an exception of either type approval or delegation.
Whenever the extension is used for managing or automatically processing the delegations, then an entry gets created in the system which tells you who delegated to whom and what was the approval limit and order value. Let’s understand stepwise how the log Entries are created and how exception logging works.
Hope the above-mentioned information was helpful and relevant for you to understand the process of how the log Entries are created and how exception logging works in Business Central Delegation custom app developed by Peritos
If you would like to see it in Action please get in touch and one of our friendly staff would be happy to help you.
Here you could get the knowledge of the major benefits provided by our app Delegation for Business Central.
The blog post provides you with the detailed information on how to set up Business Central Delegation app for your organization
Here we would want to provide our readers with the detailed details of terms of use specifically for the Business Central Delegation app.
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