How to Install and uninstall Business Central Delegation App
The blog post provides you with the detailed information on how to set up Business Central Delegation app for your organization
Let’s begin with the understanding of how you delegate approval requests. Before you can delegate an approval request, you must arrange approval for users. What if an approver is absent? In that case, we need to delegate the approval to a substitute approver.
Peritos Solutions created an add on App for Business Central to enhance the delegation functionality. There are many reasons why we must delegate. For instance, an approver could be out of the office, or perhaps they are occupied and unable to approve requests before the due date. The alternate can either be assigned, as the direct approver or the approval officeholder. And from here a notification to approve the recommendation is sent to the chosen substitute.
In these instances, it is vital to delegate to a substitute for approval so records don’t pile up and the procedure can continue to run efficiently.
Let’s begin with understanding the value of delegating the work. There are immediate reasons to delegate work.
Now, let’s discuss whether you are ready to evaluate the following aspects before you delegate the work:
Thus, to summarize how delegation works, let’s recall what we discussed till now.
The blog post provides you with the detailed information on how to set up Business Central Delegation app for your organization
Here we would want to provide our readers with the detailed details of terms of use specifically for the Business Central Delegation app.
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