How to Install and uninstall Business Central Delegation App
The blog post provides you with the detailed information on how to set up Business Central Delegation app for your organization
The app refines the Delegation functionality in Business Central. If you are already using delegation in business central it is a manual process where a specific task gets selected and after clicking on the “Delegate” button task is delegated to the user who is assigned as the substitute
Check the substitute user in the approval user setup screen as below:
To make this process faster and smoother Peritos Solutions have created a custom application that can benefit as:
1. System tracks out of office for the user which needs to be maintained
2. It then delegates in a Batch mode for all open requests by clicking on Delegation > Run button.
So, let’s discuss, what are the main operational advantages of Delegation for Business Central App?
The first obvious benefit of delegation is that you will unleash your time which you can dedicate yourself to better strategic tasks. As you have more time to spend on other tasks, you will be able to accomplish more.
In your absence or being out of the office for some major work, you would not have to be stressed about major approvals and timely delivery to the clients. It will be an automated process where the workflow would be decided and accordingly the delegation of work will be done through our app.
Effectively involving your team in certain tasks will also develop their abilities and prepare them for new skills. This is a great benefit to the employee. Delegation of work through our app makes them more versatile and more employable, on the other hand, they also become more important to the team. It uplifts confidence, as everything is already being designed through the app. By delegating them more new tasks you will, in addition, make their job more interesting, challenging, and enjoyable.
When delegating tasks to your employees you are automatically establishing a culture of trust in your team. Using the app to delegate the work makes it easier for you to explain the task to your substitute. By assigning them important tasks, you show them that you authorize them to take these tasks and complete them in a satisfactory manner. This is not only good for the working culture of the team but also for the self-esteem of the employee.
By entrusting tasks to your team members, you are making better use of everybody´s time. As a result, the team will get so much more done. You won´t be able to finish everything yourself and you don´t want your team members to sit around idle, so by delegating tasks to them everyone has an adequate workload.
When you delegate tasks to your team, make sure you also move the tasks around between different team members using the specific features of our app. By doing so, the flexibility of your team will increase, and everybody will enhance their skills, which is great for the institution.
To sum up, we can say that a manual delegation procedure can be expensive, and error prone. Delegation of work through Business Central streamlines the approval workflow and allows easy delegation of approval limits between users.
There are more benefits as the app also checks the delegation authority and approval limit and logs exception which would be explained a bit more in the next article. If you are keen to explore this solution get in touch.
The blog post provides you with the detailed information on how to set up Business Central Delegation app for your organization
Here we would want to provide our readers with the detailed details of terms of use specifically for the Business Central Delegation app.
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